Herbal Therapy

What is Herbal Therapy?

Herbs have been used for thousands of years to heal illness. Herbs are the forefathers and inspiration for today’s pharmaceutical drugs. Herbs alone or in herbal formulations, can be used to treat many of the same disease processes that western pharmaceuticals are used for. There are several reasons to use herbal medications: 

  1. Herbs tend to be gentle with fewer side effects making them safer to use long term.
  2. In most cases, herbs can be used in conjunction with pharmaceuticals and adding herbs will often decrease the amount of drugs needed, or help get faster longer lasting results.
  3. Herbal formulas can sometimes end up replacing drugs that have higher risks or side effects with prolonged use.
  4. Herbal formulations can also sometimes treat a disease process that is not responding to pharmaceuticals or treat a disease that has no drug options. 

Herbal formulas come in powder, pill, capsule and tincture forms and are dosed according to the individual patient’s needs. Herbal formulas are not one formula fits all, as many drugs are. In TCVM each individual has unique imbalances that are creating their disease process, because they are unique, an herbal formula must be found that fits their specific imbalance. If the formula does not match the pattern of imbalance it will not help.

*Please do not ever order herbal formulas online or share formulas without consulting a TCVM practitioner. 

Herbal therapy
“The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different." - Hippocrates