Telehealth Consults

Telehealth Consultations

Here at HeartFire Veterinary Holistic Health Care we realize it is not always easy for you to bring your furry loved one in for an in person appointment so we offer telehealth consults to make life easier. 

As long as we see your pet at least once every year we are considered to have a patient-client-vet relationship and doing consults via Wellevate’s HIPAA compliant telehealth capability. Using a video platform allows the doctor to see your pet which gives valuable information about treatment options and allows you the time to ask your questions and have a conversation with your pet’s doctor. 

With Covid-19 still present in our community many may feel uncomfortable with in person interactions so telehealth affords the added benefit of a personal consult without the risks of leaving the safety of your home. Concerned that it may be complicated? Not at all! We will send you an email link for the day of the appointment and all you need to do is open the link and you are live with the doctor. Any supplements needed can be drop shipped to your home or left out in our vestibule for no contact pick up.  

By current NYS law, veterinarians are required to see and do a physical exam on every patient at least once a year.   The law has been made more lenient during the pandemic but without seeing your pet at all you must realize that our diagnostic ability is limited to what you as an owner can tell us and what we can see on a video screen.  This may lead to some difficulties that may require more time or eventual need to see your pet to resolve. If your pet has been recently seen by your general practitioner, sharing records from their office can be immensely helpful as your pet was then seen by a medical professional and this information can help our doctor in her diagnosis.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” - Lao Tzu